Kulliyat-e-Tib deals with basic principles of Unani medicine which are essential for understanding the concept of health, disease and its treatment. It forms the basis for undertaking the fundamental research in Unani system of medicine.

The department of Kulliyat-e-Tib is concerned with most significant discipline of Unani medicine and the following subjects are taught under it:

  1. Arabic-wa-Mantiq-o-Falsafa:This subject is taught in 1st year BUMS, in view of better understanding of the terminologies, concepts, philosophies, and fundamentals which are documented in the classical literature.
  2. Umoor-e-Tabiyah:It deals with Principles of Human Physiology in Tib, which are very essential for existence and proper functioning of the human body. This subject is taught in the 1st year BUMS.
  3. Tareekh-e-Tib:This subject is taught in 2nd year BUMS. Its deals with the history of medicine, wherein the students are taught well about the contribution and achievements of Unani system of medicine and their physicians in the development of medicine.
  4. Communication skills:The various methods and better ways of interpersonal communication and personality development of students is taught in this subject in 3rd year BUMS for establishing a better doctor-patient relationship.

Academic Activities:

Theory classes, practical classes, seminars, symposiums, role play, charts and model presentations with the help of audio visual aid.


Sl.noName of TeacherDesignationPhoto
1.Prof. Umraz MubeenConsultant Professor
 2.Dr. Naziya Sultana AAssistant Professor
 3.Mohammed Badiuz zamanGuest Faculty