Ilmu Jarahat (surgery) is an important method of treatment in Unani system of medicine. Abu al-Qasim Khalafi bn al-Abbas Al-Zahrawi, known in the West as Albucasis(936-1013 CE) is one of the greatest surgeons in the history of medicine. His tremendous contribution to the field of medicine and surgery is his famous book Kitab Al Tasrif which is an encyclopedia, comprising 30 treatises or Maqalat. It was used as standard reference in the subject in all the universities of Europe for over five hundred years. About 200 surgical instruments are described and illustrated in the book.

The department of Ilmul Jarahat was established from the beginning of the college with the aim of producing competent Unani graduates.

The department is fully functional with the following staff.

  • Fayaz Ahmad Shariff, Professor and HOD,
    Contact: 9880374647
  • Ayesha Parveen Boodihal, Assistant Professor i/c,
    Contact: 9886555432

A 100 bed hospital is attached to the college for practical and training of the students with well-equipped Major OT and Minor OT, pre & post-operative ward facilities. Experts’ will treat some of the surgical cases with traditional Unani therapies. Minor procedures like incision and drainage of abscess, excision of cyst, excision of corn, dressing of wounds and ulcers etc will be undertaken in minor OT. For other major procedures there is a provision of on call surgeons to deal with them. The procedures will be done under their guidance and supervision.

Academic Section:

Surgery will be taught in the final year of the graduation for the duration of 18 months. During which the students will be trained in theory and practical surgery, as how to take history, clinical examination, diagnosis and treatment of the surgical cases. Exams will be conducted at the end of 18 months, comprising Paper I which deals with the general surgery and paper II deals with the systemic surgery followed by practical and viva exams regularly.


Sl.noName of TeacherDesignationPhoto
1.Dr. Aisha Anjum A Professor