Moalajat is equvalent to General Medicine. Dept of Moalijat is involved in teaching and training of undergraduates. All the teaching staff of the department has oriental and scientific knowledge along with post graduate qualification. The teachers and qualified medical officers provide quality care in the OPD and IPD of Dept of Moalijat. The department regularly carry out CME, ROTP, Seminars programs and workshops to update the knowledge among the practitioners and teachers of UNANI system. The department also conducts various medical camps to benefit economically weaker section of the society.

Moalijat is one of the important components of UNANI medicine which has huge potential to cure diseases. UNANI medicine has cures for various acute and chronic diseases. UNANI medicine is holistic in nature. It has enormous healing power with minimal side effects.

The department’s infrastructure is well furnished with all modern facilities. The services we provide for patient care include:

  1. Outpatient services
  2. In patient services
  3. Therapies.

There are various therapeutic approaches to treat the diseases:

  1. Ilaj bil Ghiza – (dieto therapy).
  2. Ilaj Bil Dawa- (pharmaco therapy) herbs either single or in combination
  3. Ilaj Bit Tadbeer – (regimental therapy) Hijamah (Cupping), Fasd (venisection), Dalak (Massage) etc.,

After diagnosing the disease, Usoole ilaj (principle of management) of disease is determined on the basis of etiology on the following pattern:

  1. Izalae sabab (elimination of cause)
  2. Tadeele akhlat (normalization of humors)
  3. Tadeele aza (normalization of tissues/organs).

UNANI medicines are safe and efficacious against diseases like

  • Neurological diseases and psychiatric illness: paralysis, headaches including migraine,
  • Gastrointestinal and liver disorders: gastritis, peptic ulcers, IBS, jaundice, piles
  • Respiratory and cardiovascular diseases:
  • Kidney diseases: renal calculi
  • Musculoskeletal disorders like arthritis
  • Life style disorders like Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity.


Sl.noName of TeacherDesignationPhoto
1.Dr. Mohammed Asif SiddiquiAssistant Professor